Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Critical Thinking Test Week 4 Essay

1. heading Reporter A parvenue t exclusivelyy finance reform bloom being considered by coition would limit the amount of campaign contributions that political candidates can receive. However, a subscribe to of candidates running for whitethornor, governor, and senate seats shows that not integrity of them upgrades the bill. Clearly, there is no passion among politicians to limit campaign contributions. Which unity(a) of the quest points out the flaw in the newsmans blood in a higher place? learner resoluteness The reporter doesnt indicate the amount that the new bill would limit campaign contributions. The evidence translated by the reporter argues that most politicians are in favor of the new bill. The reporter wrongly assumes that no politician has ever support a bill intended to limit campaign contributions cryst tot both(a)yize The views of candidates presently running for makeice do not necessarily represent the views of all politicians. 2. head word Mrs . Orlof teaches dickens history classes, one in the morning and one in the good good laternoon. Yesterday she gave the selfsame(prenominal) prove to both classes. Anyone who failed the test moldiness take a retest. Since a greater percentage of students who excessivelyk the morning test failed the test than students who took the afternoon test, much than of Orlofs morning history students than afternoon history students get out behave to take the retest. The conclusion to a higher place is not necessarily valid beca procedure educatee decide more students in the morning class may have passed the test than failed the test some students may have been absent from both classes some of the students who passed the afternoon test may have received cultivation about the test from morning students condition more students may have taken the test in the afternoon than in the morning3. enquire All sages provide both k in a flashledge and inspiration. Since Dashas speech contai ned wisdom and greatly inspired her audience, Dasha is a sage. Which one of the following points out the flaw in the argument above? educatee fare Just because Dasha is a sage doesnt mean that she is eer wise and inspirational. Just because Dashas speech provided wisdom and inspiration doesnt mean that it provided more wisdom than inspiration. indemnify Just because Dasha satisfied two requestments of being a sage doesnt necessarily mean that she satisfies all the requirements of being a sage. anomalous Just because Dasha provided wisdom and inspiration in a speech doesnt mean that all sages use speeches to provide wisdom and inspiration.4. distrust The medium height of members of the high school hoops team is six feet, three inches. Jerry is on the high school hoops team, so Jerry must be taller than six feet. The argument above is blemished because it confuses disciple Answer Jerry with new(prenominal) members of the teamthe members of one team with the members of other te am IN sort heap who are six feet three inches tall for multitude who are exactly six feet tall CORRECT an average for the individuals that make up that average.5. Question Catherine goes to her local p stretch forthic film dramaturgy yet to see romantic comedies. Since Catherine did not go to the films yesterday, there is not a romantic comedy playing at her local theater. The reasoning above is flawed because the evidence student Answer CORRECT does not suggest that Catherine goes to see e truly romantic comedy that plays at her local movie theater implies that Catherine is uninterested in most types of movies does not indicate whether Catherine watches totally romantic comedies at home suggests that Catherines local movie theater hardly ever shows romantic comedies6. Question A recent study of 100 employees from six de resolvements of a major corporation found 65% to be peace deprived. The seekers concluded that the absolute majorityof integrated employees are slumber deprived. The look forers conclusion is suspect because itbookman Answer assumes that corporate employees are more sleep deprived than other mickle is base on evidence that is statistically impossible fails to describe the effects the sleep deprivation has CORRECT relies on a sample that is too subaltern to represent the entire corporate figure outforce7. Question Some politicians withdraw to support the environment in speeches they make around the country. However, to get to those speeches they effort in gas guzzling, pollution cr consume private planes. They therefore pardonly take upt believe a word of what they say and are rattling making the environmental problem worse. Which one of the following, if true, would best weaken the argument above? bookman Answer Some of the politicians try to hide the detail that they travel by private plane to their speeches around the country. Most tidy sum who hear the politicians speeches on the environment are unconvinced by their arguments. A majority of voters surveyed agree that politicians some dates make societys problems worse. CORRECT Improvements to the environment brought about done the politicians public support of environmental regulations more than bring out the damage done to the environment by the politicians private planes.8. Question Career counselor It is best for wileists to build a practical and secure course that will batten them a secure income, and then nourish up their art in their spare time. That way, they will be motivated to work hard at their day jobs to support their art making, and both their career and their art will thrive. Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument? pupil Answer Some forms of art making are expensive and require a good deal of specie to pursue. INCORRECT M whatsoever people who arent artists prefer to pursue practical and safe careers. Having the time and money to make art doesnt guarantee an artist commercial advantage. COR RECT Splitting time between two pursuits in life practicallycauses both to suffer. 9. Question The untimely death of Professor Hathaway halted his groundbreaking research into the uses of solar power. It therefore appears that Hathaways research will not vector sum in practical applications. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? Student Answer CORRECT Professor Hathaways research can be utilize by other scientists to create useful applications. Not all professors at Professor Hathaways university knew that he was conducting research into the uses of solar power. Officials at Professor Hathaways university have refused requests to make Professor Hathaways research public. INCORRECT Researchers at other universities are conducting research into the potential applications of solar power. 10. Question Surveys show that people who use gram nutritionists calorie information to finalize which foods to eat consume on average 100 calories less than th ey would if they didnt prevent calorie information before eating. Strangely though, people who use calorie information in this way weigh more on average than people who dont check calorie information before eating. Which one of the following, if true, best pardons the surprising statistic stated above? Student Answer There are fewer people who check calorie information before eating than people who dont check calorie information before eating. People who usually check calorie information before eating consume more calories if they stop checking. INCORRECT Some people who check calorie information before eating dont consume any fewer calories than they would if they didnt check. CORRECT People with a weight problem are most apt(predicate) to check calorie information before eating. 11. Question As part of its reorganisation, community X created five new positions within the social club. However, after the shakeup was complete, company X had fewer employees than before the reor ganization. Which one of the following, if true, would best explain the result described above? Student Answer Some employees of the company were switched into new departments to fill the new positions. Some employees who quit over dissatisfaction with the reorganization were immediately replaced by new hires. The new positions were created to respond to a greater demand for company Xsproducts. CORRECT Some employees were dictated off as a number of old positions were eliminated in the reorganization. 12. Question Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical kin as the words/phrases in the following pair. building blueprintStudent Answer ship seaCORRECT cake recipebridge islandguitar vocal music13. Question Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair. gavel judgeStudent Answer CORRECT baton managersymphony com exhaustrstop sign device driver ruler math14. Question Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair. conductor orchestrStudent Answer skater rinkteacher principalproducer movieCORRECT director cast15. Question Arthur The solutions to most enigma news I read are not believable. However, my enjoyment of a mystery overbold depends scarcely on its cliff-hanging mood and colorful characters. Norton Roughly 80% of the mystery apologues I read have believable solutions, which is good since I do not enjoy mystery novels that dont have believable solutions. The speakers aboveStudent Answer agree that most mystery novels do not have believable solutions agree that a suspenseful mood and colorful characters addto the enjoyment of a mystery novel CORRECT disagree on whether a believable solution is need for the enjoyment of a mystery novel disagree on whether an powers enjoyment in creating a mystery novel influences whe ther that novel will have a believable solution 16. Question Memmie The greater the population near a restaurant, the more potential customers it has and the greater luck its popularity will spread through word-of-mouth. OSullivans Restaurant just exposed in the very densely populated township of Redville, so its chances for success are great. Sam But the more people living in an area, the more restaurants there are in that area, so the more competition each one faces. There are twelve other restaurants answer the people of Redville. Memmie and Sam seem to disagree about whetherStudent Answer OSullivans will fail in its first few months OSullivans will serve a different kind of food than the other restaurants in Redville CORRECT the high population of Redville ensures OSullivans a great chance for success word-of-mouth about a restaurant can spread in a densely populated town like Redville 17. Question Only fair animals with a clean bill of substantiallyness will perform in like a shots exhibition. A monkey, a poodle, and a buck will perform in todays exhibition. No carnival animals with a clean bill of health were prescribed medications this week. If the statements above are true, which one of the following must in addition be true on the basis of them?Student Answer The monkey, poodle, and horse are the only animals performing in todays circus exhibition. No circus animals were prescribe medications this week. INCORRECT No more than two circus animals have a clean bill of health. CORRECT incomplete the monkey nor the horse performing in todays circus exhibition were prescribed medications this week. 18. Question The higher the price of an antique, the greater peoples expectation that the object is rare. That, in turn, makes the antique appear more valuable. If the statements above are correct, then offering an antique for sale at a bargain price Student Answer will seeming increase peoples expectations that the antique is valuable will guarantee that the antique will not sell at a clear should be supportd because it increases the likelihood that antique will be exchange CORRECT should be discouraged because it lessens a quality that makes that antique sexually attractive 19. Question Some drugs combat obesity or alcohol dependency by turning off pleasure centers in the nous. However, if the dosage is too high, theres a risk that people taking them will be plunged into depression. The statements above, if true, support which one of the following assertions? Student Answer It is futile to try to treat obesity or alcohol addiction through drugs. All drugs, if taken at too high a dosage, pose the risk that the people taking them will be plunged into depression. CORRECT The benefits of a medication may be at least somewhat offset by its side effects. INCORRECT Drugs that affect pleasure centers in the brain are often taken at dosages considered to be too high. 20. Question Detective The robbery at the promenade was carri ed out by a mall employee acting alone roughly one hour after the mall closed last Saturday night. The only employees present at the mall at the time of the robbery were security guards Evans and Clark. Since the malls charge system was disabled by the pirate just before the robbery, the thief must be Evans. The argument above would be valid ifStudent Answer CORRECT Clark is incapable of disabling the malls oversight system both Evans and Clark are capable of disabling the malls surveillance system INCORRECT Evans and Clark are the malls only security guards the malls surveillance system is usually used 24 hours a day, seven days a we 21. Question A company can either invest in employee training seminars or update its computer interlocking. Since update the computer network would result in moremeasurable benefits, the company would be best off updating its computer network. The argument above assumes thatStudent Answer INCORRECT investment in employee training seminars would yie ld negative results for the company CORRECT the more measurable a benefit, the greater take account that benefit has to a company the employee training seminars would focus on teaching employees to use the updated computer network the benefit of the company investing in employee training seminars cannot be heedful at all 22. Question The chairperson spoke to 19 congressmen from Texas to encourage them to vote for a bill. Since four of the 19 congressmen went on to vote for the bill, it is clear that the chairperson persuaded those four to vote the way they did. The argument above assumes thatStudent Answer the bill will not pass because a majority of Texas congressmen did not vote for it the Texas congressmen who voted against the bill were persuaded by someone other than the president to vote the way they did the president did not try to influence the votes of any congressmen outside of Texas CORRECT the four Texas congressmen who voted for the bill were against it before they spoke to the president 23. Question The very large increase in allergies over the last thirty years is due to the great success of immunizations administered over this time period. Since immunizations have nearly eliminated life-threatening diseases such as polio, the human tolerant system increasingly targets other environmental substances in order to keep working properly. Allergy symptoms such as runny nose and tense eyes result when the immune system attacks pollen that is breathed in from the air. Which one of the following best expresses the main point of the passage above? Student Answer Immunizations often have surprising side effects. Immunizations have been very successful in eliminating life-threatening diseases. INCORRECT Viruses that once caused polio now cause allergies. CORRECT The use of immunizations has led to an increase in allergies. 24. Question Political science professor Many people insist that the net is revolutionizing the political process. They argue th at network debates and online political polls and chat dwell crumple people greater access to political information. And theyre upright that online political chatter increases daily. But offering or reading anon. online opinions does not by itself make for active political participation. In the noncurrent one would attend a rally, protest, or town meeting to immerse in real politics. Today, people sit passively in forepart of computer screens under the illusion that they are connecting with their fellow citizens. Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the professors argument?Student Answer Internet debates and online political polls and chat rooms give people greater access to political information. INCORRECT Political organizations of the historic bear no resemblance to the political organizations of today. CORRECT While the Internet has made more political content available, meaningful political amour has decreased. The Internet has revolutionized the political process because it has allowed many more political viewpoints to be expressed.Points Received 0 of 1Comments25. Question Whereas many industries suffer during economic recessions, the art industry does well. Some think the reason is that artists feed off the anxiety and uncertainty during recessions to produce inspired works. Others think that recessions, while noxious to most people, produce a handful of very rich people willing to pay very high prices for artworks, driving up the value of the art market as a whole. The author of the passage above is primarily interested inStudent Answer providing evidence that the art industry does well during recessions CORRECT presenting reasons for why the art industry does well during recessions discussing the types of artworks that sellbest during recessions describing the effect that art has on the economy

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