Monday, March 18, 2019

The Legacy of Russia and the Soviet Union - Authoritarian and Repressiv

The Legacy of Russia and the Soviet Union - Authoritarian and inhibitory Traditions that Refuse to DieThere circulated such a Soviet policy-making anecdote The ghost of Nicolas II visited Brezhnev to inquire about the conditions of his Mother Russia, and to be told that nothing had changed since his reign except for that the vodka was now 20 per centum instead of 15. Shocked, the dead czar exclaimed I lost my head lonesome(prenominal) for that 5 percent difference? This was, of course, only a humorous exaggeration, a case of political satire. Yet beneath the humor, there lies a genuinely profound testament to the belief that Russias political culture has been inherited from its tsarist days and manifested throughout its subsequent development. The traditions from the pre-Revolution and pre-1921 Russia, it seems, had left its brand on the 70-years of commie rule. The Soviet communism system was at once a immaterial import from Germany and a Russian creation on the one good de al it is inter discipline and a world phenomenon on the other hand it is national and Russianit was Russian history which determined its limits and shaped its character. (Berdyaev, Origin) Historically, Russia has always been a country of perplexing dualities. The reality of Dual Russia, the separation of the ordained culture from that of the common people, persisted after the Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War. The Czarist Russia was at once modernized and backward St. Petersburg and Moscow stood as the highly authentic industrial centers of the country and two of the capitals of Europe, yet the overwhelming majority of the universe of discourse were subsistent farms who lived on mir French was the official language and the elites were highly literate, yet 82% of the populati... ...oved to be singularly influential and daunting. This is, perhaps, the greatest obstacles to achieving true democracy in Russiathe authoritarian and repressive traditions that refuse to die out wit h the passage of time. full treatment CitedBerdyaev, Nicolas. The Origin of Russian Communism. London Saunders, 1937. Cohen, Stephen. Rethinking the Soviet Experience. newfound York Oxford University Press, 1986. Fitzpatrick, Sheila. The Russian Revolution. New York Oxford University Press, 1994. Hosking, Jeoffery. The First Socialist Society. Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1993. Tucker, Robert C. The Mortal Danger. Course Reader for demesne Culture Russia Since 1917. New York University, Spring 2001. Tucker, Robert C. Stalinism as Revolution from preceding(prenominal). Stalinism. Edited by Robert C. Tucker. New York American Council of Learned Societies, 1999.

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